Friday, February 17, 2012

ShrarePoint Search 2010 Administration Component not responding

Hi Folks,

I ran the following ugly error in SharePoint 2010 Search Administration Screen today. After lot of googling, many suggested to rebuild the farm, re-run configuration wizard, re-create search application. But the error can be resolved by the Simple stsadm command

Scenario: Search is not working, Admin Components couldn't connect and not able to view the topology

Problem: The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component. verify that the administration component '########-####-####-####-###########' in search application 'search service application' is in a good state and try again.

Resolution: Run the following stsadm command

stsadm -o provisionservice -action start -servicename osearch14 -servicetype "Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchService, Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"

do a simple iisreset /noforce

Thats it!!! it will start working!!!

Happy Code Fix!!!!


Anonymous said...

Abdul, thanks so much for this post. I spent countless hours over the past couple of days trying to figure this out, and here it is fixed in a matter of seconds. Much appreciated!

Unknown said...

Thanks for Information Microsoft SharePoint is a Web application platform developed by Microsoft. The web tools which are designed for the purpose of non-technical users so they can easily Use them. SharePoint can be used to provide intranet portals, document and file management, collaboration, social networks, extranets, websites, enterprise search and business intelligence. It also offers system integration, process integration and workflow automation capabilities. Sharepoint Online Training